Sunday, April 24, 2016

Hacking Away at Part 6

Hacking away because yes, I am a hack.

Cover to part 6 scrapped due to general lousiness. Feh. Despite that, the plot is chugging along nicely, though I wish I'd started earlier in the weekend so I could spend today editing it instead of wasting a day and a half on a primo sucky cover. I've lazily only gotten about 5 of the planed 25 pages done so boo hiss.

New character, the eternally disgusted-by-life Dr. Will B. Hard, an atmospheric expert newly arrived onboard for the expedition to unexplored planet 956-UX. He'll be part of one group with some other crew members I haven't decided on yet. Probably not important who they are since he won't be interacting with them.

Also exploring the planet, or more specifically exploring each other, are the threesome from "Three on an Asteroid." They're fun to write for no reason I can think of and I guarantee they won't get anything scientific accomplished whatsoever. 

I've figured out what to do with Colonel Lingus but not Truly Wetsnatch. I'm pretty sure an amusing plot twist will pop into my head while I'm at work and I'll be choking on coffee. No point in explaining this to my employer because she would not be amused in the least by my moonlighting as a porno writer. 


Yeah, whatever dude. 

In other news nobody cares about, I've discovered the Comet has acceleration and brake pedals which I find hilarious. It was described a great deal in Captain Future, Star Trail to Glory but I only just now found this diagram. I should totally steal this idea since I'd already written in "All Aboard!" that Colonel "Spurt" Jizzman prefers flying ships with a manual transmission but I didn't have any idea that was a serious thing in old-timey SF.

Looks like Captain Future flies an automatic, which in 1941 would've branded him a total girly-man.

Next space opera to read when I'm done with the Captain Future series will be Edward E. "Doc" Smith's epic The Skylark of Space which is supposed to be, like, so totally crammed with super-science. I found the first book free on Gutenberg so let's see how that works out. Seems like I had part of his Lensman series downloaded but I must've dreamed it or it leaked out of my Kindle into the aether of space.

I've considered reading some of the Buck Rogers strips and Flash Gordon but I don't have any patience with reading comics on the bus. Flash Gordon also doesn't wear pants so I'd just be sniggering at the poor guy, like one does whenever grown men scamper around in their Underoos.

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